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Online Shopping: The Most Hilarious Fails of All Time

Online shopping has forever changed the way we buy many of our favorite goods. The number of people using the internet to make purchases has risen drastically over the last decade and today, it’s safe to say that almost everyone loves to buy online. It’s simple, cheap and very convenient. You don’t even have to get out of bed and get dressed or worry about the opening times of your favorite shop. Why spend time in your car to get to the shops when you can get everything done from home? Another great thing about the Internet is that you can literally find anything you want, no matter how rare, weird, or unusual. But of course, buying online also has a few drawbacks. The Articles that arrive in our homes are often not quite as impressive as the fancy-looking pictures promised when we placed our orders. It’s easy to sell something online and because the internet is a lot more anonymous than the real world, plenty of vendors are out to make a quick buck at the expense of their customers. Check out some of these hilarious online shopping fails so you know what to watch out for, the Next time you decide to buy something online!

1. 50 Shades of Nothing

This person shared the absurd online shopping experience of his friend on social media. “My friend ordered 50 Shades of Gray on eBay, this is what he received,” he wrote. There are really 50 different shades of gray printed on this paper, so I guess technically he got what he ordered.

Online-Einkäufe: die lustigsten Missgeschicke aller Zeiten

Das Online-Shopping hat die Welt des Einzelhandels für immer verändert. Jeder liebt es, online einzukaufen. Es ist einfach, unkompliziert und bequem und man muss nicht mal aus dem Bett aufstehen und sich anziehen. Einer der größten Vorteile des Internets ist es, dass man wirklich alles, was man sucht, auch finden kann. Dabei ist es völlig egal, wie selten, komisch oder ungewöhnlich der Artikel ist. Und welche Nachteile gibt es? Na ja, wie du sehen wirst, sehen nicht alle Artikel nach der Lieferung auch wirklich so aus, wie sie online dargestellt sind. Die Welt des Online-Shoppings ist noch immer wenig reguliert, weshalb das Internet oft noch ein wenig dem Wilden West gleicht. Käufer müssen auf der Hut sein! Schau dir mal diese Liste der lustigsten Online-Shopping-Desaster an!

1. 50 Grautöne

Diese Person hat eine absurde Online-Shopping-Erfahrung geteilt, die einer seiner Freunde gemacht hat. “Mein Freund hat 50 Shades of Grey auf eBay bestellt und das hier, wurde ihm dann geliefert”, schrieb er. Auf dem Blatt sind 50 unterschiedliche Grautöne zu sehen, im Prinzip hat er also wirklich das bekommen, was er auch bestellt hat.

Cuida tu corazón comiendo estos superalimentos

Un buen plan de alimentación te ayudará a controlar tu peso, y esto debe incluir una buena variedad de alimentos saludables. La primera sugerencia es agregar colores a tus comidas, algo así como si tuvieras un arcoíris diario servido en tu plato.

¿Cómo agregas colores? Gracias a las verduras y todo alimento que tenga hojas verdes, las naranjas, los limones, pepinos, zanahorias, cebollas y tomates. Hierbas frescas, que son ricas en vitaminas, fibra y minerales; además de los pimientos, el brócoli y otros, agregados a los guisos y a las tortillas, da color y aumenta los nutrientes.

Comencemos entonces con algunos consejos sobre alimentos saludables, sus variados beneficios para el cuerpo y la vida.


¿Sabías que la naranja va mucho más lejos que la simple vitamina C? La naranja se destaca por ser una fuente inagotable de vitamina C. Adicionalmente contiene flavonoides, vitamina K, Mg, ácido fólico y otros minerales.

La vitamina C opera como un antioxidante que combate los radicales libres producidos en el organismo por variados motivos y son dañinos para el organismo. Proporciona vitamina A que ayuda a que funcione bien la retina y para la salud de toda piel y mucosas.

The Most Beautiful and Handsome Athletes at the Tokyo Olympics

1. Alica Schmidt

Much to the delight of every sports fan, Alicia Schmidt, who also been selected as the World’s Sexiest Athlete, booked a flight for this year’s Tokyo Olympics. She has been said to be the sexiest athlete by many media outlets. The German 22-year-old is making her Olympic debut this year. She will be competing in the 4×400 mixed relay which is a first-ever as well as 4×400 relay. The casual fans and also die-hard fans are thrilled to see her competing at the largest stage in the world this year.

Billionaires Who Own the Most Money of the World

15. Mark Zuckerberg – $67.3 billion


Mark Zuckerberg is known by everyone as the founder and CEO of Facebook. The 38-year-old billionaire is the 15th richest person in the world with world widely known applications, such as Instagram and WhatsApp. Facebook recently rebranded itself and became Meta and created its virtual reality, metaverse. Mark Zuckerberg has been the center of jokes and conspiracy theories that he is not a human, but a robot or a lizard person. We will not get into these theories, but the young entrepreneur is also a philanthropist, together with his wife, they founded the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

Las Mujeres de Origen Latino más Sorprendentes Alrededor del Globo

Adela Noriega 

La bella y talentosa actriz mexicana ha tenido una carrera ejemplar. Tras ser descubierta a los 12 años de edad, mientras recorría un centro comercial junto a su madre, su carrera atravesó diversos estadíos. Comenzó filmando comerciales de televisión y videos musicales (uno de estos con Luis Miguel), hasta que finalmente obtendría el reconocimiento internacional gracias a su rol protagónico en diversas telenovelas; incluyendo una participación clave en Quinceañera, un melodrama juvenil que sería incluido por la Associated Press entre las 10 telenovelas más influyentes de Latinoamérica. 

En lo individual, sus grandes dotes actorales también le valieron múltiples reconocimientos y galardones como Mejor Actriz, incluyendo varios premios ACE, Sol de Oro, Palmas de Oro, TVyNovelas y muchos otros.

As mais bonitas mulheres latinas do mundo

Sandra Annenberg

Sandra Annenberg, a impressionante personalidade da TV brasileira acabou de fazer 53 anos, mas sua beleza não diminuiu nem um pouco. Ela trabalha para a maior rede de TV brasileira como apresentadora, a TV Globo, que alcança mais de 150 milhões de telespectadores. Não é à toa que ela se sente tão confiante na tela, isso porque começou sua carreira como atriz, mas decidiu voltar a estudar e se formou em Jornalismo.

Hollywood’s Golden Age Celebrities Who Are Still Alive & Kicking Hard

Do you remember some of the stars that graced your screens from way back? We had a lot of talented ones that are no longer with us. However, some are alive and kicking and have since gone into retirement. Others are still active in the acting scene. Read on to see some of Hollywood’s golden age celebrities that are still very much alive:

1. Betty White – 98

When compared to a lot of other actresses and generally entertainers we have seen in our time, Betty White holds the title of the one who’s been around the longest. She has been on our TV screens for quite a number of years which is why she is often referred to as the pioneer of television. To add to this, she has also made a tremendous contribution to the role of women in showbiz. She has inspired them so much considering she was the very first to be both in front of and behind the camera. Betty’s acting skills are amazing and so is her flair for comedy. She has because of this starred in so many movies and countless TV series. Golden Girls is the most famous series she has been in. She is an award-winning actress and was also inducted into the Television Hall of Fame. In 2018, a documentary was produced in her honor. It was called Betty White: First Lady of Television. When you think of all her achievements when it comes to film, she deserves such an honor.

Hollywood’s Golden Age Celebrities Who Are Still Alive & Kicking Hard

Do you remember some of the stars that graced your screens from way back? We had a lot of talented ones that are no longer with us. However, some are alive and kicking and have since gone into retirement. Others are still active in the acting scene. Read on to see some of Hollywood’s golden age celebrities that are still very much alive:

1. Betty White – 98

When compared to a lot of other actresses and generally entertainers we have seen in our time, Betty White holds the title of the one who’s been around the longest. She has been on our TV screens for quite a number of years which is why she is often referred to as the pioneer of television. To add to this, she has also made a tremendous contribution to the role of women in showbiz. She has inspired them so much considering she was the very first to be both in front of and behind the camera. Betty’s acting skills are amazing and so is her flair for comedy. She has because of this starred in so many movies and countless TV series. Golden Girls is the most famous series she has been in. She is an award-winning actress and was also inducted into the Television Hall of Fame. In 2018, a documentary was produced in her honor. It was called Betty White: First Lady of Television. When you think of all her achievements when it comes to film, she deserves such an honor.

Hollywood’s Golden Age Celebrities Who Are Still Alive & Kicking Hard

Do you remember some of the stars that graced your screens from way back? We had a lot of talented ones that are no longer with us. However, some are alive and kicking and have since gone into retirement. Others are still active in the acting scene. Read on to see some of Hollywood’s golden age celebrities that are still very much alive:

1. Betty White – 98

When compared to a lot of other actresses and generally entertainers we have seen in our time, Betty White holds the title of the one who’s been around the longest. She has been on our TV screens for quite a number of years which is why she is often referred to as the pioneer of television. To add to this, she has also made a tremendous contribution to the role of women in showbiz. She has inspired them so much considering she was the very first to be both in front of and behind the camera. Betty’s acting skills are amazing and so is her flair for comedy. She has because of this starred in so many movies and countless TV series. Golden Girls is the most famous series she has been in. She is an award-winning actress and was also inducted into the Television Hall of Fame. In 2018, a documentary was produced in her honor. It was called Betty White: First Lady of Television. When you think of all her achievements when it comes to film, she deserves such an honor.