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Vous avez probablement craqué pour ces bombes des années 90 – et voici à quoi elles ressemblent aujourd’hui.

Tu te souviens des années 90 ? C’était l’époque des vêtements délirants, des coupes de cheveux ratées et des femmes super cool. Le Girl Power devenait de plus en plus important, et nous l’adorions. Vous aviez probablement des Publierers de ces stars sur votre mur, mais sont-elles toujours aussi belles qu’à l’époque ? Il est temps de jeter un coup d’œil en arrière…

Diese Promipärchen beweisen, dass es wahre Liebe gibt

Elton und Yvonne Duszat: 20 Jahre

Elton hat als der ewige Praktikant von Stefan Raab Einzug in unsere Wohnzimmer gehalten. Aus Stefan Raabs Erfolgsshow TV Total war er lange nicht mehr wegzudenken. Inzwischen allerdings hat er sich vom Praktikanten hochgearbeitet. Selbstbewusst und charmant führt er durch unterschiedliche Sendungen. Er steht mit den unterschiedlichsten Allemanden Promis auf der Bühne und moderierte spektakuläre Live-Shows.

Sein bürgerlicher Name ist Alexander Duszat, doch wir kennen ihn nur als Elton. Insgesamt versucht er in der Öffentlichkeit möglichst wenig über sein Privatleben preiszugeben. Wir wissen allerdings, dass er bereits seit 2003 mit Yvonne Duszat, einer Fernsehredakteurin verheiratet ist. Die beiden haben zwei gemeinsame Kinder.

Diese beliebten Stars, sind so Perfekt gealtert, Dass Man Es kaum Glauben Kann

Heidi Klum – 1973

Heidi Klum, ehemals ein Victoria Secret-Modell, sprengt alle Stereotypen des Alterns. Sie meint, nur weil sie älter wird, sei sie kein anderer Mensch. Doch sie fühlt sich freier. Es scheint ihr wenig auszumachen, dass sie älter wird.

Auch wenn wir ihr hinsichtlich des Älterwerdens zustimmen, müssen wir sagen, dass sie mit 46 Jahren fantastisch aussieht. Sie war sogar mutig genug, ein Bild auf dem man sieht, dass sie langsam grau wird, in den sozialen Medien zu veröffentlichen. Im Jahr 2010 verabschiedete sie sich von Victoria Secret, doch das Model ernährt sich immer noch sehr gesund, kümmert sich generell um ihre Gesundheit und sorgt sich um ihre Haut. Heidi, dass du alles richtig machst, können wir sehen!

Hollywood’s Golden Age Celebrities Who Are Still Alive & Kicking Hard

Do you remember some of the stars that graced your screens from way back? We had a lot of talented ones that are no longer with us. However, some are alive and kicking and have since gone into retirement. Others are still active in the acting scene. Read on to see some of Hollywood’s golden age celebrities that are still very much alive:

Paul Hogan- 82

Compared to so many other people in his position, one can easily say Paul Hogan did not take that many projects. However, the few that he took enabled him to make quite a big name for himself. He was very successful with all of them. After all, who can forget that Paul is the same guy that was behind the Michael J Dundee character in the Crocodile Dundee films. These specific films have been on our screens since the 80s. There’s even a new one that just came out in 2020 called The Very Excellent Mr. Dundee. At 81, Paul has a net worth of close to $20 million. As it stands, he has been married three times. The funny thing is that two of those times, he married the same woman, Noelle Edwards. The last time, he married a lady called Linda Kozlowski. The two stayed married until 2014 when they went their separate ways.

Prince Harry Expresses Uncertainty About Meghan Markle Being “The One”

It’s evident that Meghan Markle was not aware of what it entails when she married a royal. To a good number of people, she had always wanted to marry a famous British man right from her childhood days. Now, she has begun to understand that fame and luxury are a small part of being a royal. According to Meghan in an interview, “It isn’t easy”. This has raised a question in the mind of the public concerning the choice of Prince Harry taking Meghan as his spouse.

Fashion Dos And Don’ts To Avoid Looking Older

In most cases when people are younger, they like to hear that they look older. They take it as a compliment. However, things change when people actually get older. It’s like the tables are turned and people start looking for ways to look younger. Well if you’re trying to avoid looking old, you’ll be happy to know that there are ways to do that. There are different fashion trends that play a big role in transforming your appearance. Certain clothes can make you look either younger or older. It’s not always that easy to get things right in fashion even though it may seem easy for certain people that are always on our screens and magazines. That said, you just need to know that trends will always come and go. We would like to give you a few tips here and there on what you can wear or what to avoid so that you look even better.

1. Poufy, Big Hairdo

In the 70s ad 80s, everyone wanted to have big hair. It was the in thing at the time. The one way to achieve such hair was to back-comb or tease your hair. Today though, it is almost common knowledge that doing this is one way of damaging your hair. To add to that, this is a very outdated hairstyle so you shouldn’t even be considering it anymore. Instead, go for more silky locks. This is a look that anyone can look great with regardless of their age and it will definitely make you look fresh and younger for sure.

Zamana Ayak Uydurmak İstiyorsanız, Bu Moda Felaketlerinden Kaçının

Gençken, gerçekte olduğumuzdan çok daha yaşlı göründüğümüzü duymayı severdik. Durum tersine döndü, değil mi? Şu andan daha yaşlı görünmekten kaçınmaya çalışıyorsanız, vermek isteyebileceğimiz bazı moda trendleri var. Kıyafetiniz daha olgun veya daha genç görünmek söz konusu olduğunda büyük bir fark yaratabilir! Ve evet, moda söz konusu olduğunda doğru kararlar vermenin zor olabileceğini biliyoruz. Trendler gelir ve gider. Ne giymeniz ve ne giymemeniz gerektiğini belirlemenize yardımcı olmamıza izin verin.

Kabarık, Büyük Saçlar

70’ler ve 80’lerde, sanki herkes kocaman saç istiyormuş gibi görünüyordu. Bunu başarmanın tek yolu saçı geriye taramak ya da kabartmaktı. Günümüzde, bunu yapmanın saçınıza ciddi şekilde zarar verdiğini iyi biliyoruz. Üstüne üstlük, bu tarzın oldukça modası geçmişte kaldı. Bunun yerine yumuşak dokunuşları tercih edin. Her yaştan insan güzel görünümden keyif alır ama günümüzde güzel bir görünüm vermiyor.

Prens Harry, Meghan Markle’ın “Doğru Kişi” Olmayabileceğini Kabul Ediyor

Meghan Markle’ın, kraliyet ailesine gelin olurken aslında neye imza attığının pek farkında olmadığı aşikâr. Birçok insan, Meghan’ın genç yaşından itibaren “popüler bir İngiliz erkek” ile evlenmeyi hayal ettiğine inanıyor. Meghan, kraliyet ailesinin bir parçası olmanın şöhret ve lüks bir yaşamdan ibaret olmadığını şimdilerde anlamaya başlıyor. Verdiği bir röportajda “bu kolay değil” diyerek halkın, kendisinin Harry’nin karısı olmaya uygun olup olmadığını sorgulamasına neden oldu.

Si Desea Mantenerse Al Día Con Los Tiempos, Evite Estos Desastres De La Moda

Nos gustaba que nos dijeran que parecíamos ser mucho mayores de lo que realmente éramos cuando éramos niños. ¿No crees que las tornas han cambiado? Si desea dejar de vestirse más viejo de lo que es ahora, existen ciertos patrones de belleza que puede evitar. Cuando se trata de parecer mayor o más joven, ¡tu guardarropa marcará la diferencia! Y, de hecho, entendemos lo difícil que es hacer las cosas bien en el mundo de la moda. Las tendencias refluyen y fluyen. Permítanos ayudarlo a determinar qué usar y qué no usar.

Poofy, peinado grande

Durante las décadas de 1970 y 1980, parecía que todo el mundo tenía el pelo grande. Peinarse hacia atrás o acariciar el cabello era la mejor manera de hacerlo. Hoy en día, somos conscientes de que hacerlo dañará permanentemente su cuero cabelludo. Para colmo, este tema está un poco desactualizado. Más bien, opta por trenzas sedosas. A personas de todas las edades les encanta el estilo, pero ya no es del todo contemporáneo.

El príncipe Harry proclama que Meghan Markle no pueda ser “la elegida”

La verdad, Meghan Markle no se imaginaba lo que podría implicar casarse con alguien de la familia real. Se ha llegado a pensar, de hecho, que un “chico popular británico” hubiera sido una mejor opción a su temprana edad, menos complicado.

Ahora se está empezando a dar cuenta que ser parte de la familia real no es simplemente fama y vivir de lujos. Meghan confirmó en una entrevista que “no es fácil”, ocasionado que el público se pregunte si de verdad Meghan es la esposa adecuada para Harry.